My bills and payments

Did you know?
While we don't provide sewerage services, we bill and collect charges for used water, surface water and highways drainage on behalf of Anglian Water so that you only receive a single bill covering all your water services.

Below is an example of an unmetered bill, which includes a breakdown of what each part of the bill means:
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undefinedCustomer ref - your personal account reference number

undefinedBill date - the date your bill was issued

undefinedPayment due date - the date your payment should reach us by

undefinedAccount address - address where the bill is sent

undefinedPeriod of charge and supply address - the period the bill covers and the address of the property where the water service is used

undefinedTotal amount due - total amount of any money or credits on your account

undefinedDirect Debit instalment information - these are the dates and amounts that will be collected

undefinedBalance brought forward (after any payments made) - any money owed or credits from your previous bill.
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undefinedRateable value - the rateable value of your property is used to calculate your bill. It’s multiplied by the current charge for each service, fresh water and used water and surface water drainage (if you are on our Assure tariff, your discount will show as 60, for the first year, or 40 for the second year - see how this will appear on your bill)

undefinedYour billing frequency - this is how often we'll send you a bill.

undefinedPayments received - the payments we’ve had since your last bill

undefinedWater charges based on rateable value - these are the charges collected by South Staffs Water

undefinedCharges collected on behalf of Anglian Water - these are the charges for used water and surface water drainage.
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