
Applications open for PEBBLE Fund 2024

Posted: 24 April 2024

Terns platform created using PEBBLE fundingWe are now accepting applications for Projects that Explore Biodiversity Benefits in the Local Environment (PEBBLE).

The PEBBLE Fund aims to directly help improve diversity by funding projects that improve, restore or create habitats within our supply area.

From bees to owls, ponds to rivers and trees to wildflowers, our PEBBLE Fund has supported a variety of projects. This includes improving a chalk grassland habitat at Cherry Hinton Chalk Pit nature reserve and a common Tern platform to Dickerson’s Lake to provide a safe, sheltered place for common Terns to nest  More of our funded projects can be viewed in our YouTube playlist below or read about here.

Up to £10,000 of funding is available for projects such as:

  • River restoration
  • Tree planting
  • Wildflower areas and habitat restoration
  • Pond creation/restoration

To see more of the different types of projects we’ve funded recently, click here.

“We recognise the importance of the local environment, and the part we play in the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity,” says Dan Clark, Water Resources and Environment Manager for Cambridge Water.

“Increasing the variety of natural living things and the diversity of the habitats where they live not only benefits wildlife, but it can also enhance local communities and our open spaces.”

If you would like to apply for PEBBLE funding or have any questions, take a look at our PEBBLE Fund application page.

Applications are open until 2 September 2024.