
Major campaign launched to encourage the nation to ‘Love Water’

Graphic station "Show water some love"

Water is the stuff of life, but how often do any of us really think about it? That’s all set to change with the launch of the Love Water campaign which is asking the British public to help protect and value our precious water resources for future generations.

The campaign is led by a coalition of over 40 organisations including water companies, the Environment Agency, Water UK, National Farmer’s Union (NFU), World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and others.  We are proud to be supporting this campaign which aims to connect people to water to e

The Love Water campaign focuses on three key themes

  • encouraging people to use water wisely
  • helping people to understand how they can reduce pollution in their local environment
  • encouraging people to get out and enjoy their local water environment

Clean and plentiful water is a government priority with a clear ambition set out in the 25 Year Environment Plan.

Sir James Bevan, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency, said:

Most people agree that water is a precious resource but too often we take it for granted and don’t see how our actions have a direct effect on the local rivers, lakes and beaches we all care about. Our campaign intends to change that by urging people to use water wisely and to think before pouring cooking oil down the drain or flushing a wet wipe away. We know that everyone has a duty to preserve and protect water and the campaign will also work with industry, water companies and other regulators in the longer-term to cut down on wastage.

Phil Newland, managing director at Cambridge Water, said:

We’re proud to support this vital campaign. We all need to think about our actions and the impact they have on our water supply which is a precious resource. From wasting water to pollution, it all adds up to become a huge risk for the future of our water supplies. This campaign aims to get people to think and to take action to safeguard the future.”

Love Water aims to give everyone the knowledge they need to make the right decisions for them and for the environment. It will make us think about those seemingly innocuous actions we take that can have damaging consequences for the water environment. Actions such as flushing wet wipes down the loo, tipping waste liquids down roadside drains, washing greasy pans in the sink which all affect water quality, or leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth, wasting up to 12 litres of water.

It’s time we all took action

Together we can show water some love and keep our rivers, lakes and seas clean and healthy, and make sure we keep our water supplies flowing.

Follow the campaign on Twitter @LoveWaterUK and #ShowWaterSomeLove and read more on the Environment Agency website.

There’s life in every drop - did you know…

💧 The average person in the UK uses a staggering 140 litres of water a day
💧 Nearly 22% of indoor home water use comes from doing laundry
💧 Up to 12 litres of water can be wasted if the tap is left running while brushing your teeth
💧 8,550 kg of litter was collected from 494 beaches in the UK during the Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean 2018
    🌊 28.6% of this was litter from the public
    🌊 6.2% was sewage related debris – items that are incorrectly flushed down the loo
💧 There are approximately 300,000 sewer blockages every year, costing the country £100 million
💧 Just one gram of dog poo in 1 million litres of sea water can pose a health risk to bathers.
💧 Human blood is 83% water.


How can you love water?

Find out how you can love water by being a water saver this summer and in the future

Posted: 31 July 2019