
Extra help to pay water bills extended

Our extra help for customers financially affected by COVID-19 has been extended to the end of December.

We offer a range of ongoing support, from payment breaks and flexible payment plans to special tariffs for people on low incomes.

Anyone, whose income has temporarily become less than £16,380 per year (plus £1,500 for each dependent child) as a result of COVID-19, can apply for the Assure COVID-19 tariff, which will give a 60% discount off their water bill for three months.

We also offer our standard Assure tariff, which offers a two-year discount for people on longer-term low incomes. 

“We’ve seen a growing number of customers seek help since March when lockdown hit us. We have over 17,000 customers benefitting from our standard and COVID-19 Assure tariffs.

“The important thing we want customers to know is that they needn’t worry. We want anyone who is struggling to contact us and we will see how we can help. We’re here to help.”

Rachael Merrell, service delivery director


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Posted: 2 December 2020