
Help for customers with reduced incomes

Photo of a couple looking at their billsWe're calling on customers to ask us for help, if they find their Universal Credit payments are cut or if their income is reduced for any other reason.

Households may see their income reduced by £20 a week due to changes to Universal Credit and at the same time energy prices are set to rise, but we may be able to help.

We offer a range of support, from payment breaks for people with a temporary financial issue to special tariffs for people on low incomes, as well as flexible payment plans for anyone who needs to budget their payments.

Customers who are struggling, can get in touch and our team will talk through how we can help keep water affordable for all. 

“Over the last few years we have worked incredibly hard to ensure that our customers are aware of all the financial support we offer.

“We’ve seen a growing number of customers seek help since lockdown first began, and we now have over 4,570 customers receiving financial support from us. However, we know that there are more people who may need help and this will increase with the change to Universal Credit payments.

So, we want to make sure that anyone who is struggling knows that they can contact us. They can visit our website, contact us through Facebook or Twitter or give us a call on 0800 09 30 610. We’re here to help.”

Rachael Merrell, customer delivery director.

CCW has reported:
Research from the Trussell Trust found that one in five Universal Credit claimants believe it’s likely they will have to skip meals when their payments are reduced from October. CCW's own research has found stories of consumers already going to extreme lengths to save on water and energy costs – including missing meals or washing clothes while taking a shower.

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Help with paying

Find out how we can help you with your bill

Posted 22 September 2021